Returns & FAQ

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments via credit/debit cards, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we ship almost everywhere! Check your country by adding an item to your cart and going to the checkout page.

How much does shipping cost?

This varies by country. Check your country by adding an item to your cart and going to the checkout page.

Are items tracked?

Yes, once your order has been shipped, we’ll email you with a link to view your tracking information. 

How long will it take to arrive?

Depending on your shipping address, your order will be made and shipped from either the US, EU, AU or CA. Most items are deliverd within 1-2 weeks but you can get an estimate by adding an item to your cart and going to the checkout page. Please note, diferent items/colors might have different estimates.

I'm unsure about sizing?

The best way to find the perfect fit is to get the measurements of some clothes you already own and love the fit of, then compare this with our size charts to find the closest match.

You can always grab a size up if you prefer an oversized feel.

Lauren is 5'4 / 165cm and wears size S in tees and M in hoodies. 
Gal Pal is the same height, but prefers to wear M in tees.

What is your returns policy?


All of our products are made to order especially for you. We do not accept change-of-mind returns or sizing-related returns. Please use the size-charts on each item to avoid getting the wrong size.


All of our products are made to order especially for you. If you wish to cancel or amend your order, please use the link provided in your confirmation email. You can edit your order at any time before it goes to production.

Once your order has gone to production, you may be eligible for a replacement/resolution depending on the situation. After you’ve received your order, you have 30 days to address any quality issues.

Damaged/Quality Issues

If there is a print error or visible quality issue, we'll replace or refund it. For the fastest resolution, please include a photograph demonstrating the quality issue of the print or the damaged area of the item. The most optimal pictures are on a flat, well-lit  surface, with the tag and error clearly displayed.

Please email the photos and a brief description of the issue to our support team at

Refund method

PayPal: Any refunds processed will show back up in your Paypal account balance within 24 business hours.

Credit Card: Any refunds processed via your credit/debit card will show back up in your bank account within 7 to 10 business days depending on your bank.

Will I have to pay any additional taxes on my order if I’m located outside of the US?

***All merch items are made and shipped from either US, EU, AU or CA.*** 

International orders may be subject to import taxes, duties, and other customs charges. The charges vary by country, and at this time we are unable to calculate them in advance. For more information regarding your country’s customs policies, please contact your local customs office. If such a fee indeed gets imposed on your package, you are responsible for its payment.

I still need help!

If we haven't answered your question, please email our support team at

NOTE: This email address is NOT monitored by Lauren Elloise herself. You will be in contact with our merch support team, who manage any merch related questions. They're friendly, promise!

For non-merch related inquries, visit